Jim Small

Delivery Day: Jim's Kit #167 arrives.

ISPA Member Jim Small works on his Seawind kit at his home in Arizona. January 2004.

Received by ISPA November 5, 2002

Brent [ISPA],

I am very new to the ISPA and pleased to be a member. I am building kit #167. Membership in the ISPA was suggested to me by Paul Marshall. He is doing his best to be helpful, and that is pretty good.

It will take me some time to read through all the notes posted in the Hanger. It will take even longer to remember all the good hints. But it is good to know there are folks I can question about the details.

Feel free to list the following data on your public members list:

Jim Small

  • Kit #167

  • Tucson, AZ

  • 520-577-7345

  • jgsmall@mindspring.com