Seawind Performance

Below you will find Seawind performance and specification information.

Seawind Specifications

The Seawind 300C accelerates quickly down the runway. At 60 knots (70 mph), a one-hand rotation is applied and the craft lifts off between 60 and 70 knots.

With the landing gear retracted and the flaps set to zero, the Seawind 300C will climb dramatically to altitude.

The cruise configuration is with flaps reflexed to -10°. Once trimmed straight and level, the Seawind 300C is truly a hands-off machine

Landings on land are normal with a gear- down speed of 120 knots (140 mph) maximum, and a flap-down speed of 110 knots (120 mph). The pattern speed is 80 to 90 knots with flaps at 20° as you apply a little up trim to what feels naturally comfortable. Full flaps are applied and propeller set to high rpm on the final leg with the speed at 80 knots. After crossing the threshold at 70 knots, flare to a touchdown speed of 55 knots.

Landings on water are virtually the same as land landings except, of course, the landing gear is up. Final approach is at 80 knots, with full flap, at high rpm. A few feet above the water, the Seawind 300C is leveled and slowed to 70 knots and the nose is raised to about four degrees. Throttle back and the Seawind 300C lands on the step at 55 knots.

Step taxiing can be performed with full flaps or reflexed flaps. The time onto the step is a couple of seconds quicker with zero flaps. The wings are held level and steering is performed with the air rudder.

Water takeoffs are comfortable. The Seawind 300C rises onto the step virtually by itself. A bit of up elevator is applied as the bow wave moves by. The controls are then relaxed and with full flaps at 55 knots, the Seawind 300C flies itself off the water.

Like any amphibian of high thrust line aircraft, turns should be coordinated with rudder and ailerons.

The Seawind 300C has superb pitch control. A full power go around just above the water is easily executed with one arm pull back. The nose will not drop.

Carry a little power in a cross wind landing to make the air rudder more effective. Idling the power tends to block the flow over the air rudder. So, apply just a little power.

Stalls are gentle and straight ahead, with a warning buffet.