Air Venture Cup Race @ Dayton to Oskosh
05-28-2009, 12:04 AM
keithw | Air Venture Cup Air Race
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Old 05-28-2009, 12:04 AM
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Default AirVenture Cup Air Race
Hey Seawinders------ I plan on flying the race again this year. I would love to have some company with other Seawind machines and pilots. Trust me its a thrill of a lifetime. The race starts at Dayton Ohio (MGY) and ends at Oshkosh just in time for the beginning of the event. Racers meet at MGY on July 25 and race start Sun. Morning July 26 Please call me for more information on how to register etc. time is short for registration. Mike how about you as you showed an intreest at splash in? Call me 309 530 3097 or email
05-31-2009, 02:23 PM
keithw | Air Venture Cup Race
AirVenture Cup Race I would love to hear someone call me and ask how to fly the race. 309 530 3097
05-31-2009, 02:28 PM
keithw | Air Venture Cup Race @ Dayton to Oskosh
can I get anyone interested in the race???? Keith Walljasper N80CC
05-31-2009, 07:10 PM
Hi Keith,
I was thinking about the race this year but I cant get away untill thurs of that week. I am planning on going thurs, fri, sat....... I am not happy about adding them as an additional insured..not good!
05-24-2010, 09:44 PM
keithw | Airventurecup Race / 2010
Hi Seawinder's Here it is Entry Application time again for the Airventure Cup race. Race start location, Mitchel South Dakota direct to Oshkosh Wi. The Racers will arive on the 24th. of July and Race on Sunday the 25. Im flying it again this year (Ninth Year for N80CC) Ive always enjojed the thrill of (The Race) but its has not been the same since other Seawinds have droped out Art Culver George Osborn Mike Bowes . I would love to see some of the current flying Seawinds Enter and fly. It's a thrill of a life time. For information go on line to and follow the promts. Or call Keith Walljasper 309 530 3097 or and I will answer any questions etc. It has always been real neat as you are at Oshkosh at the start of the Show/Celebration Keith Walljasper
05-24-2010, 09:51 PM
keithw | Mike
Why when I hit new posts the post from a year ago pops up? Keith
05-25-2010, 07:22 AM
Posts that you havent L@@Ked at yet.......
05-25-2010, 07:24 AM
I thought the event was going to alternate starting locations from east to west and west to east.....
05-25-2010, 09:00 PM
keithw | Reply to you Mike
The race two years ago was from Mitchel S. D. West to East O. K. The race last year (2009) was from Dayton to Oshkosh East to West O. K. The race this year (2010) is from Mitchel S. D. to Oshkosh West to East O. K. Now my question is still Why when I hit the NEW POSTS an year old post comes up? Keith Walljasper N80CC