Splash In 2011
03-08-2011, 07:50 AM
Mike | Splash In 2011
Well it's about that time to start thinking about the next splashin........ Any ideas?
03-08-2011, 05:22 PM
Mike, I tried 'Posting a Poll' for Splash-in location ideas, but it wont let me. Can you?
03-08-2011, 06:29 PM
I can.... What do you want to post
03-10-2011, 06:59 PM
Recapping previous venues...
2010 Bay Bridge, MD
2009 Pamlico River, NC
2008 Bay Bridge, MD
2003 Sarasota, FL
I'd offer my home base (KUUU), but I'm afraid the seaplane lakes are extremely limited, just a lot of ocean. But if there's interest, I'd be certainly willing to host.
Perhaps we should poll everyone as to whether there's a preference of East or West coast... North or South? I for one would like to see more of the country - so I'll travel wherever, but I'm sympathetic to those who would prefer to keep it simple.
Eventually I'd like to ask the Lake Amphian Flyers if we could join their group. It seems they've got a pretty established group... we could only benefit by joining.
03-11-2011, 01:52 AM
mike reibling | 2011 splash in location
My vote would be something in the center of country Minnesota area or as
I mentioned last year Killarney. That's where the lake guys go. Kristle and I stayed there last year it's very nice. It is in Canada so everyone would have to go through customs which is no big deal I go the other way all the time. There is lots of utube video on Killarney.
It's very cool water landing there and there is a runway right there as well.
If you land on water you can taxi up on the lawn right to the door of the lodge. The landing area is in a channel it's very calm water most days.
If the links don't work just copy and paste them into you browser.
I don't really care were it turns out to be, I just believe if it's in the middle of everyone I think we will get the best turn out.
03-13-2011, 11:36 PM
keithw | 2011 Splash in
Hi Seawinder'S Im game for wherever the majority would like to meet. Keith Walljasper N80CC
03-14-2011, 06:45 AM
In order to post a poll I need to know where the locations are....
1-KUUU, Newport State, Rhode Island
2-KPOU, Poughkeepsie, NY
3- Killarney, Minnesota (KH2O?)
4- Aruba
5 - Blounts Creek, NC (Tom Saccio's)
6 - Sky Harbor (Jacks)
03-14-2011, 04:34 PM
Tom Saccio | Splash-in 2011
I for one would go any place also. I would also not mind hosting it at my home in Blounts Creek, NC. The circumstances last year dictated that I cancel. I would not mind trying to have it again this year.
Tom Saccio
03-14-2011, 04:41 PM
Jack Ardoyno | Splashin
I think that Tom Saccio's place is ideal and thank him for offering. Tom, I will come down a day early and help host it if members want to return to the Pamlico.
I would also suggest Sky Harbor again and will co-host this location if members choose.
03-17-2011, 08:37 PM
Ed Lynch | Splash-in
Sky Harbor was a great spot! Now that Chad has his Seawind flying, maybe that would be a good choice again. I'm willing to go further, though, and a new spot out West would be welcome, too. Ed
03-23-2011, 12:35 AM
mike reibling | 2011 Splash In
Last year I went to the Minnesota Seaplane Pilots Association Safety Seminar Fly-In at Maddens on Gull Lake 9Y2 - Brainerd, MN
This is another awesome place there is both water and a grass strip there. The soft sand beach is large enough to park 25 to 30 planes right in front of the hotel. I think everyone would like this place. It’s about 120 miles WNW of Hayward WI.
03-23-2011, 09:14 PM
keithw | Splash In 2011
Hi Seawinders I've been to them all and loved them all. I would host one except all we have here in central Illinois is corn fields. So that being said I vote for them all! Keith Walljasper N80CC
03-25-2011, 07:54 AM
mike reibling | 2011 splash In
Last year I went to the Minnesota Seaplane Pilots Association Safety Seminar Fly-In at Maddens on Gull Lake 9Y2 - Brainerd, MN
This is another awesome place there is both water and a grass strip there. The soft sand beach is large enough to park 25 to 30 planes right in front of the hotel. I think everyone would like this place. It’s about 120 miles WNW of Hayward WI.
03-26-2011, 05:05 PM
I don't know bout all - u - all, but I am up for anyplace as long as the weather is good. Any guarantees..? What time frames..? October...? Cold....?
Madden's sounds like a place the wife could get into with golf.......she likes that.
03-27-2011, 08:36 PM
mike reibling | 2011 splash in
Madden's is very wife friendly. I think it is the kind of place that will keep the women interested in splash ins.
04-04-2011, 08:31 AM
Jack Ardoyno | Splashin
I am sending a layout of Madden's that I received with a flyer for the Minnesota Seaplane Flyin to Mike to attach to this post since there seems to be interest in that location.
Also, Chad Fey and I have discussed cohosting at Sky Harbor in Duluth, probably in August.
04-04-2011, 09:37 AM
I'm psyched for either/both Sky Harbor and/or Maddens. That's part of the country i'd love to check out.
04-04-2011, 03:36 PM
I am up for both, either, or..... Who will host Maddens?
04-05-2011, 08:51 PM
chadfey | Splash-In
I spoke with Jack Ardoyno a few weeks back now and would be willing to co-host the splash-in in Duluth, MN at Sky Harbor Airport. It has been a few years now and would enjoy having you all visit Duluth if interested.
04-08-2011, 06:50 AM
Originally Posted by jack ardoyno View Post
I am sending a layout of Madden's that I received with a flyer for the Minnesota Seaplane Flyin to Mike to attach to this post since there seems to be interest in that location.
Also, Chad Fey and I have discussed cohosting at Sky Harbor in Duluth, probably in August.
Use this link, the layout is toooo BIG.
04-10-2011, 12:16 PM
Larry Brunzlick | 2011 Splash-in
Duluth would be my choice and especially August. Too many school functions after Labor Day.
Larry Brunzlick
04-12-2011, 07:02 AM
I think its time to figure out where we are all going to meet this year......
04-12-2011, 08:55 AM
mike, can you setup/post a pole with the splash-in locations offered? I'd do it, but don't know how.
04-13-2011, 11:05 AM
Tom Saccio | Splash-in
Duluth in August would be great. How about the week of the 19th.
Tom Saccio
04-16-2011, 11:42 AM
Ed Lynch | 2011 Splash In
Duluth in August would be great, but have you guys checked out the link to Maddens, in Brainerd?? That looks like a great spot, too! So great, in fact, it may already be too late to book it in prime time this August. It seems that the Hotel would be providing all the meals, rooms, meeting locations and support, and we just provide our own program, and lots of $$$$. My Seawind is just FULL of $$$$. (just ask Marylou), so shaking some out shouldn't be too hard. On the positive side, no rental cars or local transport would be needed for those flying in.
Duluth, while it has a nice, known quality to it, would undoubtedly be more work for the hosts, Chad and Jack.
But, count me in, wherever! Ed
04-16-2011, 10:47 PM
keithw | Splash In 2011
Hi Seawinders I was looking at the map and if we had the splash in at Duluth and wanted to go to Brainard for a day trip,looks like 45 min each way from Duluth. Wow, what a blast, eight or nine Seawinds comming in at Brainard for the Day!!!!!! I' m going to go pull the plane out!!!!!!1 Keith Walljasper N80 CC P. S. A date at the end of Oshkosh?????? July 25 to Sun 31st is AirVenture Oshkosh.
04-19-2011, 06:47 AM
It L@@Ks as if the splashin will be in Duluth this year. Jack, Chad.....any comments...???
04-20-2011, 02:01 PM
Jack Ardoyno | Splashin 2011
Chad and I have discussed it and would like to co-host the 2011 Splashin at Sky Harbor in Duluth on the weekend of August 19-21, 2011. Before we start planning and making arrangements, I'd like to get feedback from the gang.
04-20-2011, 02:58 PM
Ed Lynch | splash-in
Sounds like we have a winner!! Duluth the weekend of 19-21 August looks great to me, and Mary Lou and I will be there. We'll plan to bring some fresh Florida sunshine with us. Ed
04-20-2011, 03:34 PM
Sounds good to me......
04-20-2011, 07:29 PM
I'm in! can we get rides in the turbine!
04-20-2011, 10:53 PM
Tom Saccio | Splash-in
Duluth in August sounds great to me also. Lets make it official.
Tom Saccio
04-21-2011, 07:26 AM
It's Official, pending Jack & Chad......
04-21-2011, 07:28 AM
Originally Posted by gderamel View Post
I'm in! can we get rides in the turbine!
I new that was the only reason you wanted the splashin there.......
04-21-2011, 07:28 AM
Jack, water training....?
04-30-2011, 05:31 PM
Jack Ardoyno | Splashin 2011
"It's official - the dates for the 2011 Splashin are August 19th through August 21th. This year we will be returning to Duluth Sky Harbor, DYT, and will again be assisted by our friends, Rick Luck and Mark Morino. While we don't have a completed schedule we will be posting that soon. We have several Seawinders who have expressed interest in some formation flying and we would like to see a response to this idea either on the web site or to Chad or Jack directly. Chad - cfey@duluthmn.com, 218 341-4457 and Jack - seawind@centurytel.net, 612 940-6425. We will also be posting info on lodging as well. We may have a record number of planes attending with Chad's N695MD, Paul Comey's (Dick Wolf) N142BW added. Jack will attempt to bring N73NT (Richard Jones) and N514KT (Larry Sapp) from HYR which are both for sale as well as N888SW, his Seawind. N242PK is once again for sale and is in Anoka, MN and we may be able to get it up for display. Mark your calendars and make plans to attend the 2011 ISPA Splash-In!"
Chad and Jack
05-02-2011, 03:08 PM
Ed Lynch | Splash in 2011
If there is interest, I would be glad to conduct a briefing on the basics of formation flying at the Splash in, and we could fly some two-ship practice flights. There is some required "head work" and a little ground work, too, but then formation flying can be a whole lot of fun, and a nice skill to add to your credentials. Let's go for it! Ed
05-02-2011, 03:40 PM
It almost sounds like a few of us could be flying together on the way to the splashin.... Is that formation flying?
05-14-2011, 08:51 PM
Ed Lynch | Flying Together to the Splash-In
If you want to fy to the splash-in with another Seawind, you can do so safely and legally by staying 500 feet away from the other plane, and you are not in "formation". You and the other aircraft are individuals as far as ATC is concerned. To fly formation, the biggest single requirement is to conduct a briefing before the flight, so that the pilots know what's going on, and what to expect from the other pilot(s). If you file a flight plan as a formation, only the leader talks to ATC, and squawks the assigned code. All others just squawk standby, listen, and follow along as required when changing frequencies. A two ship formation is plenty at first. The potential for screw-ups goes up exponentially as you add more airplanes! Ed
05-15-2011, 08:34 AM
Ok so I figure that it might be better to stay away 500 ft it you give us the low down at splashin 2011.
05-24-2011, 11:47 AM
Tom Saccio | Duluth Hotels
Solme of us like myself might have forgotten the names of the Hotels that we stayed at in Duluth. If we could get a list so that we could make reservations that would be great.
06-01-2011, 06:33 AM
Hey, Hum, Ahhh, Jack..........
Do you have a list of hotels in the area?
06-01-2011, 01:26 PM
seapilot1 | Splash-In Locations
Any chance on having it more mid country or Western, instead of always East Coast - give us Westerners, and or Alaska a chance!
06-01-2011, 07:26 PM
Hi Ron,
It is in Duluth, Sky Harbor, KDYT
Stop on in..!!
06-06-2011, 10:39 AM
Jack Ardoyno | Lodging for Splashin 2011
Our lodging needs have been complicated by a state lawyers convention in Duluth for our Splashin weekend and many places are full.
I have done extensive research and the following list have rooms available at this time. I would encourage you to make reservations soon. I also ask that those who are coming please advise on the web site or to my email (seawind@centurytel.net) so that we can get a count for planning.
Hope to see you all at the Splashin!
Best Western – 218 727-6851 - 800 780-7234
131 W 2nd Street
Radisson Hotel – 218 727-8981
505 W Superior Street
Sheraton - 218 733-5660
301 E. Superior Street
Voyageur Inn - 218 722-3911 – 800 258-3911
333 E Superior Street
Fitger’s Inn - 218 722-8826
600 E Superior Street
Econolodge Airport – 800 922-0569
4197 Haines Road
Country Inn & Suites – 218 727-8981
505 W. Superior Street
Country Inn & Suites – 218 740-4500
4257 Haines Road
Willard Munger – 218 624-4814 - 800 982-2453
7408 Grand Avenue
Gardenwood Resort – 218 525-5064
5107 N Shore Drive
Day’s Inn - 218 727-3110
909 Cottonwood Avenue
06-08-2011, 07:09 PM
Sheraton Duluth Hotel
301 East Superior Street
Guillaume de Ramel
401 662-5477
06-09-2011, 08:25 AM
My kid had points....
Friday the 19
Sat the 20th
Fairfield Inn Duluth
901 Joshua Avenue,
Duluth, Minnesota 55811 USA
Phone: 1-218-723-8607 Fax: 1-218-722-9465
06-23-2011, 11:53 AM
Jack Ardoyno | Splashin Saturday Night
Chad has graciously agreed to host dinner at his home on Saturday, August 20th.
From DYT take Lake Avenue N. to W. 7th St. 5.9 mi
Left on W. 7th St. then in 200 ft, sharp rt onto Mesaba Avenue – 100 yds.
Turn RIGHT onto FREDENBERG LAKE RD (gravel).
Take the first left onto Misty Bay Drive. (gravel) .5 mi.
First house on the right (all stone)
We are presently planning to straggle to Little Angie's Cantina for Friday night.
More details later.
07-12-2011, 03:49 PM
Hey all, it's getting close.......are you all ready...???
07-18-2011, 11:55 AM
Larry Brunlick
Sharon and I plan to arrive on Friday. Just give the word when to arrive.
Larry Brunzlick
08-02-2011, 10:39 PM
keithw | Arrival Plans
Hi Seawinders I plan on flying into Sky Sarbor on Friday . If all goes well Ed Lynch and Mary will be flying in also. Keith Walljasper N80CC
08-03-2011, 04:20 PM
Jack Ardoyno | Friday
Why don't you plan on arriving before lunch on Friday.
08-05-2011, 05:12 AM
mike reibling | Splash in 2011
Hi Guys, Kristle and I plan on flying into Sky Harbor on Friday as well. Still don't have a hotel yet. I'm going to look onto it right away. If anyone has a good rate on something please post it.
Mike Reibling
08-05-2011, 06:47 AM
Mike check past posts here.....
08-08-2011, 12:35 PM
Chadfey | Splash-In Update
Well everybody, Jack and I are excited to have you back in Duluth for the Splash-In. I wanted to give you a little bit of an update as to the plans for meals on Friday night Saturday noon, and Saturday night.
Friday night: For those who will be in town Friday afternoon. We are planning to meet at Grandma's Saloon and Grill at 2202 Maple Grove Rd. Duluth, MN. Phone # 218-722-9313. (This location is NOT in Canal park near the airport, it is by the Miller Hill Mall). Meet there at 5:30 PM.
Saturday Noon: We will have sandwiches catered and brought to the Sky Harbor Airport. Water, soda will be provided.
Saturday Night: Carmen and I will have the Seawind community at our home on Island Lake. (4979 Misty Bay Dr. Duluth, MN 55803). Meet there at 5:30 PM. The meal will consist of smoked pulled pork sandwiches, walleye, salads, and deserts. Water and soda is provided. You may BYOB as in the past.
Note: Directions to Grandma's and the Fey house will be available at the Splash-In as there is construction in the area and the directions have changed from those previously posted on this website. (Also, trusting your GPS will take you the long way).
If you have questions, concerns, comments, you can get in touch with me by cell phone 218-341-4457 or email cfey@duluthmn.com
08-09-2011, 01:30 PM
We have our tickets and hotel so we will be there Friday night. Sounds like a good time. See you soon.
08-09-2011, 04:48 PM
Larry Brunzlick
We hope to be there between 10am-11am Friday.
Larry and Sharon Brunzlick
08-16-2011, 06:32 AM
It is now tuesday.... The weather outlook enroute for thursday and friday from ny to duluth calls for thunderstorms. Doesn't look good for the flying.
08-17-2011, 09:06 AM
chadfey | Cooling Off
As we get close to the Splash-In this weekend, the excitement is heating up, but the weather is calling for a cool down to highs in the 60s on saturday. The big lake controls the weather here so make sure you pack some warmer cloths as it can be 50s by Sky Harbor and 80s by our house. Can't wait to see you all!
08-17-2011, 11:05 PM
keithw | Splash in
Hi Seawinders Plan on being in on Thurs early P M. Ed and Mary are planning being in on Thur. also. Early P M See you all soon. Fly/Drive Safe. Keith Walljasper N80 CC
08-19-2011, 08:28 AM
chadfey | Four Seawinds at Sky Harbor by Thursday night
The Seawinds of Lynch, Walljasper, Riebling, and Fey are side by side at DYT. We had a nice meal and conversation with friends and fellow Seawinders. Can't wait to see the rest of the Seawind community.
08-22-2011, 09:38 AM
Chris and I had a great time. It was good to see you all again. We're looking forwards to seeing you all again soon.
Have a great day,
John J
08-25-2011, 03:36 PM
Well I missed another and i am not happy........
Does anyone have any pictures and or videos they can email me for the website....
09-23-2011, 10:09 PM
There is a splashin at Clear Lake, northern California, Sept. 23-25. Know of any westerner that went?
Obummer is in town and our local airports are "locked down" Sept. 25 & 26.
I would love to sneak out the back way in my C182RG if there is a Seawind up there. EAA 62 has a BBQ at RHV Sept. 24 & I am on the hook for the grub, else I'd be gone already.