manual hydraulics pump
01-15-2009, 08:54 PM
Alain | manual hydraulics pump
Hi i'm searching for a manual pump who or where can i found one!
Thank Alain...
01-19-2009, 10:36 PM
Russ Kotlarek
Alain are you searching for a Seawind pump proper for SNA's system or just a manual hydraulic pump?
01-20-2009, 08:19 PM
Seawind pump or better and lighter
07-18-2009, 03:26 PM
BudG | manual hydraulic pump
I have one in my stock of miscellaneous.
I bought it from Bob Darrah about 5-6 yrs. ago for $100.00.
it's yours for the same price.
I could send you a picture of it if you want.
Let me know by email direct : bgustin@tabletoptelephone.
Bud Gustin
06-02-2011, 01:04 AM
Bud: If Alain doesn't buy your manual pump, let me have a crack at it.
I recently tried to get Dick S. to tell me what the part no.s & sources of the power & manual pumps and the poppet valves to replace the leaky ones originally supplied and got no answer. Not only have I been shorted a lot of parts, but I can't even get an answer. Oildyne 108 series pumps from Parker Hannifin seem to be the right thing, but how big a reservoir is needed? Manual pump is double acting 2in3/cycle? Parker has 4way manual rotary spool valves series DM104 that look pretty good. I'm thinking of machining a manifold block to contain two of these cartridge valves to eliminate extra external plumbing. Manual flap extension is just as desirable as gear extension. Had to pump down my Cessna gear last year when the alternator went--been nice to have some flaps too. The ideal thing would be one big chunk of aluminum manifold to mount ALL the hydraulic valves.
11-19-2011, 01:54 AM
Rusty | Manual Hydraulics pump
I talked to the supplier of the Wandfluh poppet valve package about custom building a manual pump package with two single acting hand pumps and two rotary cartridge valves in order to have both gear and flap backup. I called his recommended source, Star Hydraulics & learned they have double acting pumps. They came up with #MK2612, a special (limited quantity) that is double acting and has built in relief. Thanks to Russ Kotlarek, I found the cartridge valves on E-bay that are used on the Lake Amphibian--same thing I was going to use in the custom manifold. No pricey Wandfluh package needed. The Star is rated to 2000 psi (set to 1500)and pumps 1.4 cu. In. per lever cycle.
Weight is 7 lbs. Price was $347---beats hell outta the $1300 Parker wanted.
Attached Files
File Type: pdf MK2612HandPump.pdf (66.8 KB, 9 views)